Salt, Sugar, and Fat….

The perfect combination to keep us eating all the wrong foods. The food industry spends a lot of time and a lot more money to study exactly what ratio of each will keep us buying and eating their food or “food like substances”. Click on the link below for more details.

I know you have heard this all before but you really need to read the labels. Anything with “quick” or “instant” or ingredient lists with words that you cannot pronounce or have more  than 3 items should not be permitted in our houses.  Feeding ourselves and our families should be one of the most important things we do. I have met so many people that think that high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimers’ disease are all just the normal progression of aging or “it’s in my family”.

These are all preventable diseases. You do not have to spend the last 30 years of your life taking handfuls of pills. What you eat matters and it  matters now. You know what you need to do.  You have all heard it before.  Keep the processed food out of your house and you and your whole family will be less tempted. Eat more meals at home more often. Plan your meals.

How much exercise you get also matters. If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly recommend it. One is written with women in mind and one for men. A little motivation can go a long way. Only 21 days to form a new habit, start today:)

ynybook ynywomen[1]

Keep it simple…

It has been a while since my last post.  While thinking about what to write about next I realized that  we eat quite simply. I have shared many of our favorite recipes and for the most part I stick to doing pretty much the same thing. I have been close to ending my blog but then I bump into someone who encourages me to keep at it, that they check in regularly and love it. So…..I will endeavor to keep it going, with one simple thought each time and  a recipe we love.


We  still eat fish, though only about twice per month. I still am not sure where I stand on this issue, it’s one of those, should we or shouldn’t we? Is it healthy or is it not healthy?  When we do eat fish I make sure that I spend the money and buy fish that is oceanwise approved. See the link if you are not sure what that means.


Our serving size is limited to about 4 oz or the size of a deck of cards.

Broiled Salmon or Artic Char with Herb Mustard Glaze

2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced

3/4 tsp finely chopped fresh rosemary leaves

3/4 tsp finely chopped fresh thyme leaves

1 tbsp dry white wine

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp honey

2 tbsp Dijon mustard

2 tbsp whole-grain mustard

pinch salt

fresh ground black pepper

In a mini food processor combine the garlic, herbs, wine, oil, honey,  Dijon and 1 tbsp of grainy mustard. Grind until the sauce is combined. Transfer to small bowl and stir in the remaining tbsp of grainy mustard.

Preheat the broiler. Line the bottom of a heavy baking sheet with foil. Brush with a little olive oil. Place the fish on the baking sheet, skin side down, and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and the fresh ground pepper. Broil for about 2-3 minutes. Spoon over some of the mustard suace and continue broiling for another 5 minutes. Add more sauce and broil until the fish is just cooked through.  This can vary depending on the type of fish and how thick the fillets are. I have found it can take anywhere from another 2-3 minutes to 10 minutes. Keep a close eye on the fish as it cooks. The sauce may start to burn.

Serve with fresh lemon wedges on the side, with a large salad and dinner is served.